Whoever you are, wherever you are on life's journey,
You are welcome here.
Mission Statement
We are an inclusive and welcoming community that practices Jesus’ radical love and affirmation. In worshipful response to God’s transformative work in our lives, we pursue the liberation of all people from injustice and oppression.
News & Announcements
Plymouth UCC Worship Service
Sunday at 10:00am
Whoever you are, wherever you are on life’s journey, YOU ARE WELCOME HERE. Please join us in worship each Sunday at 10:00am in the sanctuary or...Continue reading
A Letter from Rev. Jill Russell
Dear Plymouth Church Friends, So it begins…. Well, not really begins. Your life and ministry has a long history before I arrived, and (God willing) will...Continue reading
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Prayer Chain
Plymouth distributes prayer requests through our membership database, Breeze. In order to submit a request, simply click one of the links below. Prayer Chain requests will...Continue reading
Second Sunday Family Service Volunteers
Families are wanted as Ushers for the second Sunday of each month. Parents can judge whether they and their children are “old enough”, as handing out programs can...Continue reading
Black Lives Matter Vigil – Public Witness at Rosa Parks Statue
On the first Wednesday of each month, we are invited by All Souls Church to hold vigil for black lives at the corner of Monroe Ave...Continue reading
Funeral/Memorial Planning Meetings
Talking about death makes many of us uncomfortable, so we shy away from making an end-of-life plan. We are here to help you plan how you’d...Continue reading
Re-Member Service Trip Recap
Re-Member Service Trip Update We had 5 Plymouth people that went to Pine Ridge Reservation for a week of service and learning. Thank you to Kirk Swayman...Continue reading
Get Involved!
To carry out programs and ministries, Plymouth is organized into a church council, boards, committees, and task forces. Learn more
From children’s ministries to book club to board of trustees, we also have a variety of programs, fellowship opportunities, and ministries to help you get involved in the life of the church.

What To Expect
We are an open and affirming congregation. We are a vibrant church of ordinary people celebrating God’s extraordinary and unconditional love. We celebrate the diversity of gender, age, ability, race, culture, sexual orientation, and economic status.
We hope you will join us for Sunday morning worship at 10 a.m. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Barrier-Free Facilities. The entire facility is barrier free. An elevator is located in the narthex by the south entry doors for entry to the lower level. Inclusive seating is available in the sanctuary.
Children. Nursery is provided for newborns up to children age 3 years. Children ages 4 – 12th grade are invited to attend Sunday Sessions during morning worship on the lower level. Children come forward during Children’s Time and then are accompanied downstairs. On the second Sunday of the month, children remain in the sanctuary for Family Worship.
Fellowship. Immediately following Sunday worship, all are invited to gather for coffee and tea, treats, and time to connect with each other. Coffee and tea are Fair Trade products.
Accessibility. The main floor restrooms off the narthex are accessible. There is a unisex “family” restroom off the east entryway lobby, which is universally designed with a wide turning radius and grab bars. We have large-print bulletins and hearing assistive devices for Sunday worship.
Communion. We celebrate Communion on the second Sunday of every month. All are welcome to participate. (We serve grape juice and bread that is always gluten-free.)

Adapting for Inclusion. As we continue to grow in our work as people with disabilities and allies and other identities, we adapt and change our practices to build equity and inclusivity. For example, we hold events that are financially accessible to all at only barrier-free & accessible locations, host events on the bus line, create sensory-safe programs and activities, and safe spaces for all. Learn more
We believe that this world and everything and everyone within it are God’s.
We believe in love. We are all children of God created with love — regardless of race, culture, religious belief, sexual orientation or identity, or where we come from.
Be you, be bold, be love!
We believe we are called to follow Jesus, who showed unconditional love and justice for all people.

Doing Really Good Stuff
Social justice, advocacy, and mission work are central to Plymouth UCC’s life and identity.
Some of our recent involvement includes: attending vigils and protests (Black Lives Matter, Rapid Response to ICE, End Human Detention Camps), hosting a booth at the Grand Rapids Pride Festival, organizing roadside trash clean-up, and working alongside the Lakota people at Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota.
Church Calendar
God is still speaking.