Ministries & Mission

Our ministries and missions support causes that match our passion and understanding of what God would have us do, both within our church community and beyond our walls. In all that we do, we seek to build relationships.

Children's & Youth Ministries

We believe that children are spiritual beings and that all children have abilities and gifts from God. Children of all ages need love, security, appropriate freedom, continuity, order, and meaning.

Sunday Sessions. This program, designed to nurture children in life and faith, is available during morning worship on the first, third, and fourth Sunday of the month. Classes are broken down into several age groups and programs are created accordingly. You do not need to be a member for your child to participate.

Intergenerational Worship. On the second Sunday of each month, children remain with their families for the worship service. Children and youth participate as greeters, ushers, communion servers, and liturgists during the service.

Youth Group. We have monthly gatherings around different activities for middle and high schoolers. In addition, middle and high schoolers are invited to attend the annual summer mission trip to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota.

Confirmation. The confirmation process at Plymouth is unique and special. A confirmand is paired with an adult mentor from the congregation, and the process unfolds, under the direction of the pastor, as a dialogue, a mutual exploration of faith ideas. In addition to personal faith exploration, the program also covers biblical study, church history, study of various doctrinal ideas, and what it means to seek to lead a Christian life. At the conclusion of the eighteen-month process, those who choose to do so confirm their baptism vows and enter into church membership. There is no pressure on those who decide not to take that step.

Our Whole Lives is a series of sexuality education programs for children and young adults. Developed by professional sexuality educators and distributed through the UCC, this curriculum provides accurate information for parents, teachers and pastors to be used in the affirming and supportive setting of churches. Our next session will be offered in September 2023.

Questions about programs for children & youth? Contact Us

Plymouth offers a diverse blend of traditional, contemporary, theatrical, pop and cultural music, chosen to support the theme of the service or time of the liturgical year.

Chancel Choir. If you like to sing, you are welcome to join!  This is a wonderful community to share your voice and feel engaged in worship ministry at Plymouth. We rehearse in the sanctuary on Thursday evenings, September to June, from 7:00 - 8:15 pm, and Sunday mornings at 9:00 am. We sing in worship most Sundays.

Kidz Choir. If your child likes to sing Kidz Choir is a fun group with which to sing. We sing lots of fun songs old and new. We meet Thursday evenings, September to June, 6:15 - 6:45pm. We participate in worship about once every other month.

Bell Choir. Do you like the sound of bells? Always wanted to try it? We have a bell choir that is open to ringers of all experience levels, ringing in worship about every six weeks.

Plymouth Brass. Rehearsing most Tuesday evenings, the brass are open to brass players of some experience. Playing in worship once a month.

4th Sunday Musicians. This group of contemporary music/Celtic instrumentalists and singers leada all the music in worship on the 4th Sunday of each month.

String band. Our Appalachian dulcimer performing group welcomes dulcimer players and support instruments of all levels.

If you want to participate any of these opportunities or if you are interested in singing solo, playing an instrument, or feel called to lead in worship, contact us.

We seek to learn God’s will and way, and to help build God’s just and peaceable realm on earth.

Mission Trip to Re-Member

Since 2001, Plymouth members and friends have actively promoted and supported the mission of Re-Member, a ministry with the Oglala Lakota Indians on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. Plymouth is a regular financial supporter, through direct contributions and by covering the travel expenses of a mission group from the church each summer.

On these mission trips, 10-20 Plymouth people, including young adults and children, travel to the reservation to build relationships and work to effect change. In the course of hands-on activities, such as housing repair, the mission trip participants also learn about how institutional and systemic racism have affected the Native American people, historically and still today.




Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN)

Plymouth UCC is a charter member of the Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) in Grand Rapids. Operated by Family Promise of Grand Rapids, this program provides emergency support and case management services to homeless families with children.

The key to the program is a local network of churches that provide temporary housing in church facilities. Four times a year, Plymouth volunteers transform our basement facilities into temporary housing and make and serve meals to families in transition.

Sunday Volunteers

The Diaconate coordinates volunteers who help make Sunday morning a time of welcome, sharing, and community. Please contact us to volunteer for one of these roles.

Greeters stand by the south and east entrances to greet & welcome people arriving for worship.

Ushers light altar candles, welcome and hand out bulletins at the sanctuary doors, collect the offering, and straighten pews after worship.

Liturgists enter the sanctuary with the pastor, read the Call to Worship and Scripture text during the service.

Fellowship Hosts bring refreshments, start brewing coffee, serve, and clean up. Find more fellowship opportunities